Paul Ryan

How Courts Determine Spousal Alimony?

How Courts Determine Spousal Alimony?

How do courts determine spousal support? On behalf of Ryan Family Law | May 5, 2020 | Divorce | Depending on your divorce situation in California, spousal support may require you or your ex to contribute a designated amount of money each month for alimony payments. Regardless of which end of the negotiations you are […]

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Can You Modify Court-Ordered Spouse Support?

Can You Modify Court-Ordered Spouse Support?

Can you modify spousal support? On behalf of Ryan Family Law | May 22, 2020 | Divorce | When California residents divorce, there are several matters to tend to. For example, you must decide how to handle matters of spousal support. In most cases, the person making the most must make payments to their ex-partner. […]

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Is it possible to lower your child support payments?

Is it possible to lower your child support payments?

Is it possible to lower your child support payments? On behalf of Ryan Family Law | May 26, 2020 | Firm News | Raising a child is often an expensive endeavor. After all, not only must you fund everyday expenses, but you likely must also cover educational, extracurricular, medical and other costs. However, if you […]

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Child Support

How wealth relates to divorce risk, amicability

How wealth relates to divorce risk, amicability On behalf of Ryan Family Law | Apr 11, 2020 | Divorce | Wealth and Divorce The root cause of many divorces is financial problems. People who are wealthy may have different issues with money, but that does not mean that they have none at all. As a […]

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Dealing with a divorce-related identity crisis

Dealing with a divorce-related identity crisis

Dealing with a divorce-related identity crisis On behalf of Ryan Family Law | Apr 21, 2020 | Divorce | For some people, moving on from a failed marriage is relatively simple and life seems full of new opportunities. For others, however, the end of a marriage leads to an identity crisis. Uncertainty about one’s role […]

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What is a no fault divorce?

What is a no fault divorce?

What is a no fault divorce? On behalf of Ryan Family Law | Mar 11, 2020 | Divorce | According to the California State Assembly, California was the first state to enact the no fault divorce law. Then governor, Ronald Reagan, signed the law in late 1969 and it went into effect at the start […]

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Can you not pay child support if you are unable to afford it?

Can you not pay child support if you are unable to afford it?

Can you not pay child support if you are unable to afford it? On behalf of Ryan Family Law | Mar 23, 2020 | Divorce | As you work toward finalizing your divorce in California, one of the agreements you may need to negotiate is child custody. With that, you may be required to pay […]

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You may have to act quickly if you want an annulment

You may have to act quickly if you want an annulment

Marriages sometimes simply do not work out. Yet, because marriage is a binding contract between you, your spouse and the state, ending it can be difficult. While divorce is exceedingly more common, you may be able to dissolve your union with an annulment. Divorce is often a costly and time-consuming process. While annulments tend to […]

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What is spousal abuse?

What is spousal abuse?

What is spousal abuse? On behalf of Ryan Family Law | Feb 13, 2020 | Uncategorized | While most are familiar with the term “domestic violence,” it is also important to understand the specific legal definition of spousal abuse. In California, this is legally treated as its own separate entity that is related to domestic […]

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What is collaborative divorce?

What is collaborative divorce?

What is collaborative divorce? On behalf of Ryan Family Law | Feb 11, 2020 | Divorce | While many people believe that divorce is one of the most acrimonious legal battles a person could go through, this is not always the case. There are certain divorces that almost write themselves, and some that are more-or-less […]

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How can I co-parent positively?

How can I co-parent positively?

How can I co-parent positively? On behalf of Ryan Family Law | Feb 11, 2020 | Divorce | There are many difficult aspects to divorce, but one of the hardest has to be figuring out how to be an effective parent after the ink on the paperwork has dried. The most popular form of custody […]

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Spousal support may not be the best option

Spousal support may not be the best option

Spousal support may not be the best option On behalf of Ryan Family Law | Feb 13, 2020 | Divorce | A lower earning spouse may consider making a request for spousal support during the divorce. However, every financial agreement in the final decree will come with some level of tax consequence, so it is […]

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